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Firstly Happy New Year!!! I'll be trying to sleep while everyone else is partying because I have a weekend day job. So that'll be a challenge. But here's my Year in review. I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but I've been busy writing, which I hope buys me some credibility.

 2023 Year in Review.

Been a busy year for writing, which is odd, because this year I've had a full time day job working a fortnightly 36 hours in 3 days then 48 in 4, but generally this gives me 3 and 4 day weekends in which to write, which is nice to be doing with a default income. Of course, working over the weekends has also brutally murdered my social life, so no distractions there either.

Some of these anthologies have two stories in them from me, one has ten flash fiction pieces and another five, slightly balanced out by one story being serialised into 3 issues of Stygian Lepus. But 30 short stories (2-20k) and 15 flash fiction published all in all.
I've also been working on a couple of novels as well, with one hopefully getting published next year. I do love doing this and as I'm looking forward to seeing what I get done next year. In my 2020 YIR I only had 3 entries to show, so I'm happy with my tenfold productivity this last year.


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