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Showing posts from July, 2019


Welcome to this blog.... I thought I'd create it as sort of a journal as I venture down the rabbit hole of writing. I'm currently working on an epic fantasy series, I have finished the first draft of the first book, and nearly finished the first draft of the second book, but decided to take a break to get into short stories to help world-build and hone my skills. One of those short stories is becoming a bit of a novel, so the plan is to get a few short stories published to build up a following, use that as evidence that I'm publishable to put the shorter novel out, then use that as evidence that I can be trusted with a seven book series, and whatever else pops into my head. I'm trying to keep all my writing in the same world, but I'm also entering flash fiction competitions just to challenge myself. If I can, I intend to keep them within the same world, but will stray when competition parameters force me out of it. And when they fail to win and can't be used a...